Let's play a game of "Make Up God" The object will be to make the best God we can. Whatever else this God may be, It must be a God who can supply our needs, protect us in adversity, and let us skip death if we want. Provide, protect, and give immortality. I think you can see that if we carry out this game we will end up with a God that is ultimate. We'll talk about this in more detail later.

say what you will, people will not accept anything but the most Ultimate of Gods. When I look at people's practical relationship to God I find that they hardly associate with lesser Gods; even while going through the motions of doing so. Millions go to church, study the Bible, pray together primarily to fulfill their own agenda; mostly an agenda of being approved by others, in or outside their group. They're just polishing up their HOLY image, leaving God in some corner.

And I don't blame them. Who wants to let god in on one's personal life? It's ever so much nicer (easier) to be in charge of one's own spirituality.

How about you? How often are you even aware, let alone believe, that God is right next to you? Do you remember that He's there with you in the telephone booth? Or in the toilet?

Let me digress a minute. Have you ever noticed how convenient it is to have God "up there" in the sky? watching us, but certainly "up there." And have you ever tried to determine roughly how many folks do their spoken contact, like thanks or prayer to a Being who's "up there?" All the Holy people I've ever seen from the world over have the upward look. But do you now see why that can be a trap of convenience? answer this. Given the God who created the universe, would you feel a little more comfortable if the Energy that holds the universe together was standing somewhat farther away than your shoulder? Even if the God stayed on the other side of the room, wouldn't that be too much to endure?

Picture this. A guy praying. We'll say it's me. You're gonna think I'm talking about myself anyway, so why not? This guy is praying. He goes through his daily list. Asks blessings, guidance, etc., says his"Amen," and closing the window, says goodnight to God. But when that window locks shut, I can fell a definite separation between god and me. It's as though He was going to hang out "up there" 'till the next time I thought to speak to Him. VERY convenient. He's not right there with me when I'm making like a Jerk and, acting out of fear, take advantage of someone. Those times He's "up there",and if I have to think about it, maybe I'll pretend I got lucky, and He turned His head at that moment and didn't see me.

That pretty well puts God at my beck and call. As we'll see, that kind of God is not worthy of my worship. Only the most Ultimate God will do. Also, God HAS to stay on my heels. If He can't do that, or I won';t let Him do that, He's no more than A god that I made up.

The true walk of faithing makes real the Three O god. And, as I'm trying to demonstrate, that God is the only God we can really accept. Three O? Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent. Andy God worth His salt MUST be all three. If we allowed anything less of our God, someone else would immediately come up with a "better" God. We don't want anyone to have a better God than we. We'd want the Best. At least we'd want a God that was, if not better, then equal to anyone else's God. We need that for our security.

But this brings up a great dilemma. This Ultimate God makes us very uncomfortable. In fact, a Three O God results in our fleeing god. This flight is common and easily seen in those around us. One manifestation of that flight is the creation of the non-personal, non-manipulative, universal God. this kind of God is a lot easier to get along with. This kind of God makes no demands of It's worshippers. This is readily seen by the absence of real worship. People who avow the non-personal, universal God usually demonstrate no worship. They seem only to be involved in show and lip service. the Three O God demands more than that. That lack of worship indicates what IS worthy of worship.

The only thing man can really worship is the thing that is farthest above himself. No Lesser God can command that worship. the Biggest God we can imagine has done the greatest things we know, like creating the universe, the ability to by everywhere at once, to know even the thoughts of people.

If your god can be excluded from your life, even if it can be argued that the exclusion is for your benefit, that it's good for you to be alone sometimes, then I'll make up a god that can be everywhere at all times. If you God doesn't know everything, then my Omniscient God is better because He can see what's going on in my enemy's mind. Along with being everywhere at once, this is important for my protection. If your God can create a world, mine will be able to creat a Universe. If your God is mightier than all the kings of the earth, mine will be able to blow up stars.

The only God who's worth anything is untoppable. The only god humans will acknowledge as able to command respect is the God they are unable to improve. They can't think of anything to make that God bigger, better or more powerful. But that God is so hard to endure that Christians the world over are doing what they can to keep god at bay while they try to get on with their own lives.

Having said all that, how about your God? In the hierarchy of all known Gods, where does your god stand? Do you reserve any space from you God? Is your God there every second, every place? Do you have any private little corner of your mind where God can't look? How far does your allegiance go toward your God. Ever feel uncomfortable with you God? Ever feel put upon?

This is really an exercise only for those who profess adhearance to some belief system, headed by something supernatural, from which they claim benefit. This is not for those of you who don't have a belief system. You Atheists can take a doze through this part.

How many people profess a belief in some God, but can't demonstrate the being's effectiveness? Do we put our trust in something that can't demonstrate integrity? No. Not on the BIG stuff; seems like immortality should be in that box somewhere. Does your life/soul rest in the hands of one who can't back up his words with action? We only put our trust in proven performance. Get into verifying Biblical prophecy. It'll demonstrate God's reality and faithfulness and make your jaw drop.

Most people (Christians) don't realize that there is solid, verifiable evidence available. Or, like some, they're mind set regarding the supernatural is so strong they've discounted the existence of such evidence. Or, maybe they're too lazy to look, etc. Most Christians, I guess, spend more effort on proving the trustworthiness of a car dealer of real estate agent than they do God: finding out if God can keep His word about their immortality. Immortality, if real, may be a bit more important than a car or house.

If worship is a contraction of the two words, worth and ship, how much of your worth do you ship to your God? Does your god stay in your mouth? To be yanked out in philosophical discussions? Is your God big enough to demand that you surrender your life to Him?Her; and have you tried?

You'll never be able to accept ANY lesser God than an Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent God. But Providence has smiled on us. such a God really exists. And His Good easily overcomes our fear of His power. There is plenty of evidence that God is already leaning in our direction with more good stuff than we can contain. In fact, He's so Gracious toward us that He was willing to die to prove it.

You can't get a better, bigger, or nicer God than that.

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