One thing God doesn't delegate. reading of thoughts.

I know of no other place where God does things Himself.

Let me ask, Who was it that God delegated to create the "heavens and the earth?" The Logos, Jesus before his earthly incarnation. How likely is it that the Logos would not have also been delegated to breathe a soul into Adam? I thought it was necessary to focus on that part to avoid the argument that it was "God" that breathed life into Adam. I mean why not give the Logos a little job like giving Adam a soul. Compared to creating the physical universe, the Logos could have breathed on Adam while He was on a coffee.

God never does things Himself. He sends an Angel or two to handle the work.

I believe that God delegated Lucifer to enhance the created earth. He had at least one third of all the angles given to help him. And perhaps, all those angels weren't necessarily engaged on the earth, but their work was directed at, so to speak, the earth. It was basically earth-oriented, to be of some kind of benefit to the earth. This idea allows some of the angels to work out in and beyond the solar system. I can't believe that God created Mars such a desolate wasteland. The even goes to the very stars. These stars would, after all, tell the story of the Messiah and redemption.

The 48 constellations, which fill out the major signs, tell a detailed story of the Redeemer, his birth, relationships, actions, conflicts, and triumphs. That's the first four signs along with their side decans. The second four signs, that's 16 constellations, tell who the Redeemer is dealing with, their condition and their final redemption. The last book of four signs is about the triumph of the redeemer as He comes to defeat the enemy, gather in those "sheep"from the second book we just talked about and receive His Kingdom Crown.

The structure of the stars may have been dictated in the original creation, but then had to be enhanced. Many cultures teach that the stars are really alive, in some way. I've read that they are indeed angels. When the Bible talks about the "eaons", the original language infers something alive.

This kind of process seems to be the way God has always dealt with His creations. He gives us the Basics, but leaves us to "tend" the earth. In fact, Jesus tells us this very thing very plainly in the parable of the pound. It goes on at length about stewardship. The servants were to invest their part so as to yield some increase for the master. He gave them each one pound and clearly directed them to "trade" with it. Enhance the basic provision. In another place in Psalms it says the "blessed men go through valleys of weeping." This just means it's a tough trip. The main point to the reader is not the valley, but the going through. God is saying that it's OK, I promise you'll get through this. The next part is what we're concerned with. It says that the valley will be "made a spring" by the Believer. Wherever a Believer is, his actions will bring the Spirit into the whole area, residing in just him, but affecting everything. Wherever this valley is, the Believer will enhance it. It's part of the trip. Believers make things better, wherever they are.

When a person takes 100% responsibility for his actions, only Good can come out. And that will rub off on anything or anyone hanging around. And of course, that fact applies to all humans, not Believers only. Just, honest, responsible people are always admired, regardless of the circumstances. People like Good people. And that makes everyone a little better. Just like a warm smile by some stranger at the market, can make you feel a bit better. And maybe that day you don't gripe at the brown spot on the banana. The banana benefits by you taking it home and it not being tossed in the dumpster. The store benefits by not losing money on their business transaction. Even the land fill benefits. And of course, lastly, your compost pile, gives a little smile. Cha cha cha. Turning the valley into a Spring, one banana at a time.

And just as certainly, God has delegated us individual Believers to take His kind of care with the stuff He's already given us. We're supposed to make it better. We're like the angels. We're not talking now about working in a valley, we're talking about the angels' kind of work. They weren't in a valley when God said, "go out a light up the stars I put there."

I hope by now you are convinced that God delegates. Never does anything Himself. He's the Director and everybody else is just supposed to do whatever He says do. But now we have to look at what God allows. The things He doesn't delegate. Or I should say the thing, singular, He doesn't delegate. In fact, speaking practically, refuses to delegate.

Well, we could spend a lot of time cataloguing all the things that happen in the physical world and not find anything that God doesn't allow. From giving "emerods" to the Philistines to the murder of Sennacherib 's 180 thousand troops just over night, we might conclude that there is nothing that God doesn't allow. He let David kill poor Uriah. And look what He let the devil do to Job.

Even on the spiritual plane, man and angels seem to have unlimited ability to do harm, especially the bad angels. They have the ability to track a person from birth to death, working on them the whole time. Heck, by the time a person reaches age eight that demon can know enough about the person to throw little influences which eventually over many years will wind that person up in Satan's clutches, unable to get out.

I firmly believe in and feel I've experienced the influence that the dark side can use. I mean what's the big deal about saying that the devil can plant thoughts and pictures in our minds? We have zero trouble saying the same about God. It's the way the universe works. Anyone ever hear of telepathy? That's all it is.

Sure, the devil has some power over the physical and can influence us that way. But he's not going around making up little rain clouds for people's parades. He just sits there with them in front of the TV, helping along his angry thoughts about the Boss. Creating division, which is the first and foremost tool used by the devil.

Some will disagree with me, but the above mentioned ability of the devil to be around my whole life and be able to predict my actions better than Google, and to be able to influence the choices I make is too easily mistaken for the devil being able to read my thoughts. He can't. He can't. Bottom line? God will not allow it. It's the only thing that God will not delegate, except to Himself, which includes the Logos and the Holy Spirit. These two entities are actually just Focus Points in the Totality of God. The Logos/Jesus and the Holy Spirit are 100% God. Nothing, no one, even angels, in the entire universe is 100% God. BTW, this condition is what is promised to Believers.

See, Believers in their "glorified" state will be able to communicate telepathically across the universe; to send a thank you card. This is easy to see. Believers become little focus points in the Totality of God Himself. There is no more separation. As such, our thoughts, within the totality of God, can be received by ANY other Focus Point in the Totality. It's available to the whole thing, but has an exact frequency that brings it to the intended receiver.

Bad angels can't read your thoughts. The devil can't read your thoughts.

If God had given angels that ability, to what use, to God would it be. How could that benefit God? Why delegate the ability to anyone else? What use? Well, The angels could see what we were going to do and give us little nudges so we don't' get hurt. We're only staying on the Light side for now, OK? They could help us avoid mistakes, etc. What else? If angels could read our minds, oh, they could not only protect us but lead us in the Right direction. When they "read" that we are going to do some action, they might whisper a better way than we had planned. Protection and Guidance. What else? I don't know, but that seems to cover just about everything. Oh yeah, they could report back to God about what they heard us think.

Those three are enough. Now we have to ask the question again. What benefit to God? I'm sitting here not coming up with an answer that is worth mentioning. I mean, the angels already do all that stuff. It's part of their trip. And does God need someone to listen to our thoughts so he'll be informed what we're thinking lately? See how ridiculous that sounds. Don't we know that God is what they call Omniscient. He's everywhere at once and sees the hearts of men? He doesn't need any reports. He just turns His head and hears it all.

I see no benefit to God in letting angels read human minds. God always has One thing that he says can't be done. He told Adam, "do anything you want. Just don't touch that tree." Reading minds of Believers seems to go along with that idea. It's the only thing not allowed by God. This, like the Tree is the symbol of His supreme ruler ship. The Buck stops at God. He makes the rules. No one has the power to change God's rules. If there were such a being, then that being would be the Final-Authority God.

Only God can read your mind. He just allows the devil to plant little thoughts and pictures in our heads to help us choose God in trust that He will help us through this valley.

Your thoughts are safe. Safe from everyone but God. Uh, oh.

I love mail.

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