How can you be free to become all God is trying to make you if you give away parts of yourself to others? If you don't feel free enough in ANY situation to say "no", and walk away, then you are not acting as 100% of yourself. "The freedom to walk away, is the freedom that lets you stay."

The layers of "induction" applied by the world, must be peeled away, until we feel the freedom, if regretfully, to pass the death sentence on our child or parent.

This freedom comes from nowhere but God. A caveat : or anything that gives one complete mastery of the fear of death. Only those willing to give their lives have the strength to walk away in ALL situations, even life threatening.

Of course, without a context, the above statements won't stand. The only item of context that's needed here, is that your action of walking away will clearly be pointed in God's direction.

Having said all that, I now say that divorce for spiritual reasons in not the first consideration. Except in the case of known Satan worship. By spiritual, I mean whether or not the partner is "saved" or goes to church, or does any other religious practices. If you think your spouse is going to hell, and you think you can't live with someone like that, think again.

The first consideration in ALL relationships is Trust. The point of the upturned Pyramid of Relationship is Trust. All other elements of a relationship flow out of Trust. You might be able to say that the amount of bonding in a relationship is directly proportional to the amount of trust. The closer two people are, the more Trust will be evident. I hope you can see that two people can have a very good, trusting relationship without ever bringing God into it.

Now, having said that, I want to clarify further the spiritual reason for divorce. I said that you can't be free to become all God is trying to make you if you give away parts of yourself to others. We need to see this from a different angle. We need to look at the ways we give in to others, to see that the giving in is keeping us away from some legitimate spiritual pursuit.

It's OK to live with someone who "isn't saved", as long as they fully respect your spiritual walk. In reality, a partner worth keeping will be found giving voluntarily support to the believer.

Some folks get trapped into thinking that their partner is spending too much time in spiritual pursuits, or will be weaned away from the marriage by some twisted doctrine. Such is the case with the Moonies. This can't happen with Christianity. Remember, the more of yourself you give to others the less of yourself you are. The object of God's training is to strip away all the places in our lives where we've depended on other people. It's through dependence on God that we learn that He will really take care of us. True Christianity will give a person the strength to love openly. That strengthens, not divides a relationship. God wants ALL our dependence to be on Him.

Let's not jump to the usual idea that we must give God 100% of our lives, and then sit static because the task is so overwhelming. Let's say that, when ever it is that we need to depend on other than ourselves, we choose God. That's a whole lot easier. We can accomplish that sometimes. In fact, it allows us to construct situations where we can put our dependence on God. And I'm not talking about "tempting God."

I don't mean to jump off a ten story building to see if God will keep His promise of protection. I'm talking about scripturally sound practices: tithing, communion, fasting. These are all faithing acts, and put God "on the dime." We don't have to guess if God will honor our action. He's bound by His word; at least up until today. Up until today, I have never heard God change His mind about tithing. He even reinforced the practice through Jesus' own words when he told the Pharisees that they were right to tithe. They were just wrong on practically everything else. God changed His mind concerning the bloodline inheritance of the High Priest Eli, but He hasn't nullified communion.

Trusting God leads directly to trusting others, in an ever expanding circle. When one understands that God is at hand, the fear of someone breaking trust with us is no longer threatening. This is another way to look at what I mentioned above about being able to walk away.

The 100% Christian, not us, that's only Christ, doesn't take personally what others do. Jesus manifested this behavior from the cross when he asked God to forgive his murderers. And oddly enough, this works exactly the same, in a very unexpected way.

Jesus could have looked down from the cross and said, "I'm dying, one result of which will be your salvation, but don't take it personally." I guess that raises some mental eyebrows, huh? This is one of those examples that's so far out on the spectrum that it sounds impossible, but consider. Just like God, people do things for their own reasons. Therefore, we can't take personally anything that others do. Let's look at Jesus again.

He didn't choose to go to the cross so that he might be the agency of our salvation. He went to the cross because God asked him to; and promised to raise him up again after three days. Jesus' crucifixion was first, an act of obedience. I'm sure glad that we got saved in the bargain, but that wasn't Jesus' primary reason for choosing death. You may remember his prayer in the garden. He said that he'd done everything God told him to. He "finished" the work. Selah!

A relationship that fosters Trust will endure, in or out of the God-frame. Trust in God, without hindrance, will increase the opportunities for partners to Turst. And Trust ultimately leads to God. How? By confirming and adding individual strength to a person. You see, as a person trusts, and gains a bit more strength, they come a little farther away from the fears that influence their lives. There comes a point in this trust-strength building process that allows the person to accept, the reality of the supernatural, and, the responsibilities of a relationship with God. A person must be able to walk away from their own lives. This means preferring the God-way over ALL others, when the decision time comes. One may or may not be put in a position to give up their physical lives. The underlying principle of Preference must apply to all actions.

Notice that specific actions can be different for people. Some people feel no God-guilt for smoking cigarettes. Others couldn't say the S-word if they had a mouthful. With Christianity, it's not what you do, it's how you do it. When a person's smoking is clearly interfering with their spiritual walk, it's time to quit; in which case I'm sure God would help. The fundamental key is, "Does it get in the way?"

We must be able to walk away from any life situation that puts a wedge between us and God. Walking away takes strength. Faithing builds strength.


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