What we’re trying to do here is one, understand God’s creation so we can function in it a little bit better, and two, get a practical view of how to deal with some of the apparent contradictions that exist in some of the things we hear about God and creation. For instance, how do we reconcile the idea that God is outside of time and can see all the future, all of the past? He can see the whole of creation at one time. How do we reconcile that with the Biblical account that says on the first day God created this, on the second day God created that? How do we make sense out of that?

Well, how did creation come out of God? First of all we know that God split off a bit himself, called Jesus and Jesus was the express agency of God’s creation. He’s the one that actually spoke the creative words and reality came into existence. But did that happen piecemeal? Just that process doesn’t sound like it. It didn’t happen piecemeal. God didn’t say, “Baloop. There you are. Now I want you to be the agency of creation. You’re the one who’ll speak the words that will make things appear. Here’s the first two days of creation. Go take care of that and then come back and see me in the morning.

That isn’t the way it happened. It couldn’t possibly have been that way. God gave Jesus, or whatever his name was at that time, He gave him the whole of creation in one package. He didn’t dole it out to him, a couple years or couple of millennia at a time. “Now here’s the stars, go do that.” He gave him the whole thing and Jesus spoke a word and the whole thing came out and came into being, from beginning to end. Not at the beginning, but from the beginning all the way to the very end. It all came out at the same time. It was in God’s mind as whole. He didn’t think up the six days of creation in six different time frames. You know, get up in the morning and do day one and then take a break, and do day two and have lunch. But that brings up other problems.

Sure all time is simultaneous to God, so the whole of creation is there already. So that really means, then, from our perspective, the future has already happened. That brings up some problems. But it brings up an interesting thing about prophets. See, the prophets didn’t tell the future in the way we think of it. My gut feeling about telling the future is way different than this.

They were given a peek at the things that had already happened. The whole creation has always been there, is there right now. What I did 10 years from now is already there. It already worked itself out. I, on a personal level, can change that. We’ll get into that later. But the major movements of Mankind through history, they’re already there. Globalism is already here. Prophets didn’t tell the future like I usually think. God just kind of opened up a little window and let them look at some specific things that would be going on at a particular time in history.

So what does that do with predestination? That’s the other big thing. All time is simultaneous. That’s one, but this predestination thing is really hard. If the future has already happened, that’s like predestination, then, isn’t it? And that means we have absolutely no control. That’s why people don’t want to have anything to do with predestination. You don’t want to think that you don’t have any control. You know? “Well, it’s going to happen anyway. Well, let’s lay down and die.” That’s because we’re not on God’s view. We stay down on our little tiny platform of a couple of inches on each side of our center of gravity. And that’s all we can see. We can hardly see past the bridge of our nose. And that’s where we like to stay. So as far as we’re concerned, if there is such thing is predestination it’s no good. It’s no good. But predestination isn’t really that.

Predestination is really stating how things must work out. They must work out this way, if you’re given the starting point, the present circumstances to work with, and historical certainty, like the selfishness of man. Then you can start to “predict” the future. See, once we get off our little tiny platform and get up on the higher levels of perspective and can branch our focus out to include nations and even to the whole world, humanity as a whole, then we start to see what predestination really means. Predestination is no big deal. If the creation has already happened, it isn’t that it’s already happened for you personally, but it has happened for humanity as a whole.

Here’s another thing to add to the concept of simultaneous time, just by way of understanding. Creation doesn’t “move” through time. If Jesus spoke the word and all of the physical creation came out as a whole, past, present and future, then that creation doesn’t move anywhere. It just sits there. We, the creation of the earth, we don’t move through time either. Another way to put it is, the movie is in the can, as they say. It’s in the can, the movie’s over with.

Time is just the invention, invention OK?, that allows us to move from frame to frame. But God can hang the whole movie from a skyhook and look at the whole thing. Then He can tap Isaiah on the shoulder and let him “see” the suffering Messiah when he writes chapter 53 of his book. Starting in chapters 40 and 41, he talks about the Messiah in relation to the House of Israel, the lost tribes, the lost 10 tribes of Israel. In other words, England, the United States and Northwest Europe. He starts talking about Jesus and his interaction and objectives regarding the House of Israel way back in 40 and 41, and it takes him all way up into the ‘60s before he’s through talking about what’s going to happen with the House of Israel, Jesus and the two of them interacting.

Almost never does prophecy get down on the person-specific level after Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. After those guys went away almost nobody got specific prophecy and directions to them personally. Very few people in the Bible got a word from the Lord. Let’s face it. But, when Isaiah came to town and said, “Woe unto you House of Israel, because you’re going to do, do, to-do,” that’s all over the place, that was for bigger groups of people.

Sociologists have confirmed that the actions of large groups are predictable. The bigger the group, the more sure the prediction, even if it is general. The New Age movement, for instance, is full of ideas about the human race coming together in love, and “leaping” to the next stage of evolution. Into the Christ consciousness. But notice how this turns upside-down on itself. Yeah, on the personal level that sounds real good. But on a worldwide scale, it doesn’t work. So, even for the good stuff, we’ve got to stay up on the worldwide scale. See, because you and I both known in our hearts that human beings, as a big group now, the race, not just one or two of us, human beings are incapable of acting in love on a planetary scale. You might get four or five thousand of them together at one time, maybe even a million, who knows, but beyond that I have serious doubts, let alone six billion. Can six billion selfish souls, plagued by the fear of their own mortality, come together in love and leap to the next evolutionary step? Come on. Give me a break. You and I both know that that’s impossible. We also know that through some grass-roots movement, just to get down on a lower level, that we don’t affect big groups, OK? We think that through some grass-roots movements, that attacking organs like the WTO we can stop the rape and enslavement of the planet, by the Elite. No. No. Globalism is beyond reversal. It’s beyond reversal. When we get up on the global size group, it’s easy to know the general future. It’s easy. The end of world-scale selfishness results in world dictatorship.

It’s the same as when two people relate. The more selfish one takes over, takes advantage. And if you’ve got four people, it’s the same trip. If you’ve got a community of 100,000, the selfish people will always be trying to take advantage of the others. And whenever, wherever they get into positions of control or influence, that’s what they do. They further their own ends. And when their own ends don’t look good in public, they cloak them as organs of Light. Like the United Nations. Like the World Court.

There’s a paradox. I call it the paradox of free will in a fixed future. How can there be such a thing? That’s what we stumble on. How can there be such thing as our being able to affect a future, which is un-affectable? Because the future doesn’t depend on just you and me. That’s so simple it doesn’t sound like the right answer.

The body of Christ is an example of that. We’re all said to have our little specific part in the body of Christ that absolutely no one else in the body can ever replace. If that goes, the body suffers that loss permanently. Nobody else can take up the slack, the specific unique slack, that I take up in the body, or you take up in the body. That doesn’t mean the body’s going to die if one little flake of skin isn’t there to function. We have to remember the scale on which God is moving. And get out of our own little self-interested place and see what God’s doing. And what we could possibly do to prevent that happening. That investigation will immediately show us that there’s nothing we can do. Because it has to do with our humanity, our intentions. You may have heard that the road to hell is paved and with good intentions.

We have to understand, and then we have to admit the fallibility of humankind. We’re all jerks. And there’s nothing we can do about it, you know? We can just try like hell to overcome the bigger things and hope that we’ll be OK. We have to realize that and we have to admit it. We have to realize our humanity. You heard me say, we’re all jerks. Well I know that’s a button pusher. So let me try to get a little understanding behind that. See, it isn’t that were all ready to rape the first good-looking guy or girl that comes along. The way we’re jerks, we’re all jerks, is that we are unable at times to overcome our fear. And when we don’t overcome our fear, we take advantage, out of self-interest, of people or circumstances. It’s our inability to overcome all, capitals and underlined, ALL our fears. Many of us overcome a great number of fears. Sometimes we overcome our fear and don’t murder somebody. We get so angry that we want to kill somebody but we overcome that anger. And any psychologist will tell you that anger is based in fear. Below anger is fear. Without trying to name what fear you might have been expressing, to the point of wanting to kill somebody, your anger was an expression of fear. And because you didn’t kill them, that means you overcame that fear. So there are a lot of different ways to express this, but at the root, at the root, our actions that are self-interest oriented are based in some fear, approval, security, or whatever. And there’s no one who can get control, has control of all his or her fears. And people who say that they have, just haven’t found out some of the ways, the devious ways, that they act in fear.

So we do have free will. We can turn the other way. Because the whole ballgame doesn’t depend on us, God’s plan will go forward with or without our help or hindrance. He’s got too many irons in the fire for our little iron to make any difference if it’s pulled out. So the general, the very general scale is where we have to have to maintain our focus. Because once we get out of our specific frame into the general frame we see that 4 million people will do one or two things exactly the same. I don’t see that we very often even think about it. We just know that people act certain ways and tuck that away as a frame of reference. Everybody does this, whatever it is, and then, based on that knowledge, we’ll be able to tell the future. “Future”, in quotes.

The future is fixed. And yet, we do have free will within our own little specific sphere. We can’t usually, in our lives, affect a billion people at one time. So within our own sphere, we can affect what goes on. I’m reminded of “think globally, act locally.” Act locally. That’s where it’s going to make a difference. You’re sure not going to stop the WTO. You’re not going to stop the IMF. You’re not going to stop World Bank. You’re not going to stop the UN. Those things are with us permanently now. We can only throw a couple of pebbles on the track now and then and make them feel embarrassed when they have a meeting. That’s all we can do. We can raise public awareness as to what’s being done to us to slow down the process, but we’re headed towards one world government. Total control of the earth’s population is what that it is. One world government is the total control of the world’s population. That can only happen through the U.N. The UN now is that organism. If you think you can bring down the U.N., then put your energy there. If you honestly think you can bring it down. I don’t think that anybody can slow it up. It would take three or 4 million people acting in concert to even slow up the U.N., let alone bring it down. Nobody. No nation, no group of nations, can bring down the U.N. We can only slow it up. Because, people are people.

Not because it’s predestined by God that there will be a United Nations, and it will be involved in taking control of the earth and all it’s resources, for the benefit of a few people. That’s the way it fell out when God created the whole of the physical reality. It all happened at one time. All the elements of selfishness, and good, are included in the movie. They’re all in there. All the general parts are there. God knew where the directions of selfishness would end. And they’re all in there. All through history, the larger the group, the larger the selfishness exhibited, the more control attempted by any particular group or individual.

It’s all there right now. The future is not the future. The future is the past. The future has already happened. We just haven’t been able to get up to where the happening is just yet. We have to move one frame at a time. But God can get outside where it turned out, lean over and touch Ezekiel and let him see how the promise to David of a seed always being available on the earth, as long as there is a moon or stars, that a son of David, the seed of David, will be ruling in Israel. And He can let Ezekiel see one of the parts of the practical fulfillment of that promise to David when he tells us about to be a diadem and the crown of the profane Prince of Israel being overturned three times, and then not again until he comes whose right it is. What did Ezekiel know? He didn’t know any of that until God opened the window and let him see the events that already had come to pass. Just a part of the events that had already come to pass.

There’s no such thing as predestination. We’re not predestined to do anything. The only thing we’re predestined to do is follow our human capacities and tendencies. That’s what we’re predestined to do. We’re not predestined do anything in the future, any specific act. But our selfishness will allow us to do lot of bad stuff. The paradox of free will and a fixed future. We do have free will. You can affect a change in your life. No matter what’s going on in the world you can feel OK. Not because you’re better than anybody else.

Understanding, any a shade tree psychologist knows, liquidates is a good word, liquidates fear, stress. Understanding takes all the threat out of an event or an action. In our personal lives, we find that when we experience stress, you break down crying over something, when we experience stress and are able to understand the fear that we’re manifesting, the stress goes away. In the other words, name the fear and the emotional, stressful side is diminished. Once you can name the fear, the feeling goes away, good or bad. If you say, “Wow! I feel so happy,” you won’t feel as happy as you did. The same thing happens on the stressful side. And again, when we get up onto God’s level, we see that God certainly knew that free will would unleash an implacable monster that would play itself out in the most minute detail. Didn’t He know that?

See, there’s really no such thing as predestination on a small level. We don’t have to worry about the fact that the future is fixed, because it isn’t our specific future that is fixed, its mankind's future in general.
Well, that puts us in a really bad position. If we subscribe to the concept, then we’re really in deep trouble because, there’s no cure. If there’s no such thing as predestination, if this is the way humanity has already worked out, then there’s no cure for the stuff.

That recognition of no cure, I think, comes from two places. I think that folks hide in denial of predestination. What they would define as predestination. They deny the concept because of their deep realization of the fallibility of the human race. We all know that human beings aren’t Perfect. So let’s say subconsciously, people deny that there can be such thing as predestination because predestination leads back to all the things we’ve been talking about. Predestination means that things are going to work out this bad way, you know, and there’s nothing we can do about it. “I don’t even want to talk about predestination. No. There’s no such thing as predestination. That’s ridiculous.” So we hide in denial.

When this bad result is actually recognized and admitted, the other place it goes is fatalism. Instead of denying that predestination exists, fatalists recognize the existence of fact that people are who they are, and the world’s is in deep do-do and it’s on the way down. That easily goes to fatalism.

When it’s admitted out into the open air, then what can you do with it? What can you possibly do with it? You can’t stop it. You can’t cure humanity of its selfishness. “Well, I guess I’ll just sit over here in a corner ‘till I die. Just bring me a Big Mac every now and then.” Sounds like an untenable place to me. And it certainly is, you know? We’re on a slippery slope and can’t stop. There’s nothing that can we can do personally to stop the whole thing.

There is one medication that can, if not affect a cure, at least can be a Band-Aid until we can get better, or until we can actually get to the doctor. That’s faithing. It’s the only way to get God to help us with strength and, hopefully, forgiveness. People can’t do it. I can’t help you with your selfishness. I can’t relieve your fears. I can’t go over and say, “Oh Mr. Arafat, come on, give us a break here, OK?” And he’ll stop being who he is? Think I’m going to walk up to Baron Rothschild is say, “Oh, look man, you know, the people are hungry. You can you can let up a little bit.” No. See?

No human help is available to stop this worldwide cataclysm that’s coming. But if there is a person who’s able to create all of this, He can affect it if he wants to. And occasionally he has stepped in, in a very graphic manner, and shown us that He’s there. Like with Paul on the road to Damascus and a few other places. Where He’s actually reached into time and shown us that he was really there. God can affect that and he’s left us away to get that Band-Aid. He’s left us faithing, because he’s promised that if we act, in our lives and in our decision-making processes, as though God was real, and he was there to give us a little help with whatever risks we saw ahead of us, that if we just did that, he would indeed help.

Now, how does God help? He doesn’t reach into history like with Paul, knock him down, make a blinding light and let other people hear His presence. He doesn’t do that. He works within his creation. He whispers in somebody’s ear and they give you a telephone call. He whispers in your ear and you turn right instead of left.

When we’re acting in trust of God he has promised to enter in to the process. And that’ll save you from your personal selfishness, won’t it? Can you imagine having a big brother who followed you around every place? He never said anything. Just stood back there with a ball bat. Anybody get out of line, he’d just reach over and crack them in the head. Well now, don’t go to the bad place, go to the good place. The place that tells you how you’d feel after three or four years of doing that. I mean, you’re a nice person, and you’re not causing trouble. But when you encounter people who get out of line, you don’t have to worry about anything. Before you have a chance to get rid of the thought that, “Gee, what a jerk that guy is,” he’s got a rap on the noggin. How free, how unthreatened would you eventually become?

Additionally, let this big brother standing behind you have an unlimited supply of money. Anytime you had the feeling that you wanted to buy whatever, you could do it. It wouldn’t make any difference if it was a new house, a ocean going yacht, or a pair socks. Well, in real short order you would never have to worry about money, would you? You’d never feel insecure about a supply of money. Don’t go to the bad place you can go with that. Just stay with the feeling of how secure you would feel, unthreatened. You wouldn’t feel like you had to take advantage of the blind man and say, “Here’s a dollar.” And give him a piece of paper. You wouldn’t feel the fear necessary to take advantage of other people. Because you wouldn’t know any fear of not having enough money. You’d never have to take advantage of anybody for that reason. So you’d never have to take advantage of anybody to get control of them. You could just be who you were and anybody got out of line, they’d get a rap in the head, see. So every place you went and everything you did, would be OK for you. All bad stuff would be shuffled out of the way.

That’s the way it is with God. When you’re acting in faith, he’s helping. And once you realize the reality of God, realize he really is real, prove it to yourself with objective, court admissible, circumstantial evidence, once you reach that psychological certainty, then it’s easy to look around and see where He’s said He’d help you, and give Him a little try now and then. And see that it all works out. Pretty soon, a couple years down the line, you’ll say, “Wow! There really is a God. Look at what He’s done for me. I just did a little bit of this and a little bit of that, and overcame some of my fear, and did the Right thing occasionally, and look how it’s improved my life.” Once you get to that point, maybe you can get to the realization that God really does forgive you. For what you are, and all that rotten stuff that you do. Just show Him a little trust. That’s His promise.

It takes a lot to believe that, because you know something, you’re never going to know until you make it over to the other side, and I hope you do, whether or not you were forgiven.

How can you tell? Can you get into God’s mind and see that the forgiveness happened? We can’t even get into the mind of any human and see the forgiveness that they’re saying they give us. You can never be sure about forgiveness, not without evidence.

You can see a person. You can hear them saying, “I forgive you.” Not so with God. You have to pile up a lot of evidence to take a chance on God’s forgiveness. But He’s promised. He promised that He won’t see you as imperfect when you faithe. Because you’re wrapped around with Christ’s spirit, that’s all He can see. He doesn’t have to look at all that junk.

Acting in faith. Faith is a verb, you know. You hear me say that a lot. Faith is a verb.

That’s what I suggest you get on to. Faithing.

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