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So many people today don't have a clue to what the Bible says, preachers, too. What gets me is people who'll willingly show their prejudice about the Bible They put it down 'cuz they can't understand it by just reading it. My aim is to make sense of the Bible. The Bible's credibility depends on there being only one right explanation for what's written. Finding that explanation takes the kind of study we're doing here. Not guessing, but pulling the whole book together and making it fit. We must always consider who wrote, what they said and to whom they said it. This study is from my book Fifty Pieces and centers around the Lost Tribes teaching.



world pop; many nations/kings; great nation/name; possess enemy's gates;
Jacob Prophesy to Eph/Man: multitude of nations, great people;
Jacob blessing to Joe: blessing of skies, oceans, breast (nurture), womb
Levitic cov: rain, good crops, fruit, harvest on harvest, eat your fill, dwell safely, peace, no fear, no evil beasts, no army in land, chase enemies, fall before you, 5 chase 100, 100-10,000, population, little storage; worldwide scale 'cuz of Abe (above)
Birthright: 1-all above to Joe, except sceptre/law; Gen 49:10, 25-26; 2-never given to Israel in the bible.
Bible: 1-2Kin 17:6 Judahites began to be called Jews. Judah, Benj, Levi. 2-all refs to Joe, Jacob, Eph, Isaac, H.Is plus Israel, Samaria (more) are for the 10 United (states) of northern kingdom, Israel.

1-Seven times;
2-390 Yr chance;
3-721, Removed, begin 2520/1800

1-What nations had the promises/prophecies after 1800? Suddenly.
2-England became GREAT Britain and world's biggest empire.
3-US became world's greatest nation.

1-Same 2 countries embody and disseminate Christianity: are God-of-the-Bible people

JESUS 1-"not sent" Matt 15:24, "don't go" Matt 10:6...Lost sheep of House of Israel


In one chapter we find seven different names for the Ten Tribes:
  • Israel
  • Samaria
  • Ephraim
  • Jacob
  • House of Israel
  • seed of Israel
  • virgin IsraeL

  • 1-all families of Israel
  • 2-Israel
  • 4-Israel (virgin bride)
  • (5-Samaria, Israel capitol)
  • (6-Mount Ephraim, gov't seat)
  • 7-Jacob....Israel
  • 9-Ephraim is firstborn
  • 10-scattered Israel
  • 11-Jacob(2) (Esau & Assyria, et al)
  • (15-Rachel [Joe's mom] weeps for kids)
  • 18-Ephraim
  • 20-Ephraim
  • 20-virgin Israel
  • 23-24 land of Judah
  • 27-H. Israel & H. Judah
  • 31-H. Israel & H. Judah
  • 33-H. Israel
  • 36-seed of Israel
  • 37-seed of Israel


v. 1-9 God restores Israel, brings them from north to Zion
10-14 God gathers Israel to Zion, blesses & feeds them
15-18 don't cry, God brings Israel to their own land
18-21 Ephraim says, "I was bad." God says, "It's OK, come home."
22-26 Israel will once more seek God in Judah(geographical)
27-30 God will re-plant Israel & Judah; cf 1:10
31-34 new covenant with House of Israel & House of Judah. God puts laws in hearts of H. Israel
35-37 Israel a nation as long as sun & moon exist
38-40 Jerusalem built for last time

Out of 174 occurrences in the Old Testament, one out of seven is the house of Judah; New Testament has six listings: 3 for house of Israel and three for ALL the tribes.


Let's go up to God's level and see if all this fits some plausible scenario. We have to ask, "What is God accomplishing with this earthly reality?" Here's the gestalt. God's Word (Christ) created the universe, including earth. An event in God's realm caused the plan for humanity to be created. Prior to this event the earth had undergone a worldwide cataclysm which devastated the surface of the planet. Whereupon God started a recreative process: stabilizing the earth's orbit, rotation and revolution, placing a canopy around the planet (like Venus), giving little sparks of His Life Force to physical substances like vegetation and creatures. Then with that unnamed earlier mentioned event, God conceived a 7000 year plan to restore His realm to it's former completeness.

The plan was to put an extra little spark of Life Force into one creature and nurture it along until some of the descendants could be trained to fill the void in God's realm. But Adam disobeyed and had to be quarantined so that he didn't die by coming into contact with God. At that point, God's fail-safe went into effect. He started the process of telling all future humans that He was going to set up a Kingdom here on earth and there was a method of re-establishing contact with Him.

He pretty much outlined the whole 7000 year plan so that at almost any time in history a person could find the message and make it back. He published the message first in the Zodiac. He also put the message in the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge, to name a few. But the main vehicle for getting this message to the world is the Bible. The most graphic example of the message was Jesus. The Bible deals with this 7000 year plan by recording and prophesying God's guiding of the history of a certain population group of the earth.

I know that most people would say that group is the Jews. Most people would by 12/13ths wrong. That population group also contains the other 12 tribes fathered by a man called Jacob. There are 13 tribes of Israelites, descendants of the man whose name was changed from Jacob to Israel. Israel, the man, was the head of Israel the "nation" before it was a nation.

Therefore, when God goes about telling the rest of the world about how to re-establish contact, He does it through all 13 tribes, not just the Jews. God is telling and verifying His message at all times on the 7000 year time line with the very history of those 13 tribes. He is working today to shape history for those tribes so that the prophesies about them in the Bible will be fulfilled, thereby showing that the unfulfilled prophecies will also become history.

If you're looking to the Jews for the fulfillment of 3/4 of the Bible's prophesies, you'll be disappointed and maybe give up on God.

God controls the history of the earth so that the history of the Celtic/Trojan-Greek derived nations play out the story written about them in the Bible.

That's why it's so important to know who's being talked about by all the prophets from Jacob in Genesis to John in Revelation. The whole book is talking about one group of people It tells about the events that effect their lives as they have moved, and will move through history.

Those people are Britain and the United States!!! Like it or lump it, believe it or not, it's true.

I love mail.

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