Jax Study Notes
Here are my notes and conclusions.
I-2 Timothy 2:10
1-Paul talking about himself
2-elects existence
3-some elect lack salvation
4-preaching produces persecution
5-there is salvation
7-existence of eternal glory
Conclusion: Salvation, eternal life and those who obtain it exist.
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II-Galatians 2:21
1-God has grace that “goes out” from Him.
2-men are able to frustrate/block God’s grace
3-receipt of grace/salvation/righteousness comes through Christ
4-There’s only one system for gaining righteousness
5-the Law isn’t worth as much as Christ; for “righteousness.”
6-righteousness is possible.
Conclusion: God gives grace/salvation/righteousness
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III-2 Timothy 1:9
1-we weren’t saved
2-God calls folks
3-God has a reason for “saving” us
4-we can’t earn this “saving”
5-the “saving” comes through Christ
6-this plan has been in effect since before “creation”
Conclusion: only God saves us
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IV-Galatians 2:16
1-man can be justified
2-justification by works is possible, but...
3-man isn’t good enough to receive justification through his works
4-an action of Christ provides our justification
5-Christ/His faith was supernatural
6-“we” believe “we” have been justified
7-pisteuo on just-by-Christ-actions triggers this justifying (process)
Conclusion: we are justified by the faithing of Jesus
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V-John 17:12
1-God dispenses power to certain beings
2-a particular type of God’s power can defeat the power of physical(ity) life
3-God has selected recipients of eternal life
4-eternal life cannot be earned
5-Jesus is God’s agency for dispensing eternal life
6-death (physical) is not final
Conclusion: God has Jesus give eternal life
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VI-Galatians 3:14
1-Abraham had a blessing
2-the Spirit is promised to faithers
Conclusion: we get the Spirit for faithing
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VII-Hebrews 2:15
1-there is deliverance from death
2-the fear of death results in bondage
3-holding the concept that physical death is the end of existence produces enslaving,
protective defense mechanisms (reincarnation)
4-some folks(the delivered) don’t believe in death; don’t act like physical death is worth
concern, final
Conclusion: we wont’ die
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VIII-2 Corinthians 4:3
1-the gospel isn’t for everyone
2-not all will be saved
3-God intends to save only some
4-some are unsavable
5- we have a gospel
Conclusion: some will be lost.
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IX-2 Peter 2:12
1-some beasts were created to be killed
2-fleshers/lusters/anarchists talk without understanding
3- fleshers/lusters/anarchists are corrupt
4-corruption engenders demise-they perish
5- fleshers/lusters/anarchists we’re created to be destroyed
Conclusion: Some don’t or won’t get it; people who deny salvation will perish
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X-Romans 3:3
1-there are those who don’t believe.
2-God acts in trust of His own “word” (faith, ability)
3-God’s “faithing” is effective
Conclusion: God is able to save.
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XI-John 5:30
1-God’s power makes all (human) endeavor possible
2-Jesus is The Apostle of God
3-God’s judgement is just
4-Jesus, at appropriate times, judges
5-Jesus is (perfectly) obedient to God
Conclusion: Jesus “works” for God
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XII-Matthew 18:19
1-children have their own angels
2-children’s angels are in heaven and,
3-have access to God
4-God is Jesus’ father
5-God is in heaven
6-God doesn’t take kindly to those who despise children.
Conclusion: children have angels in heaven
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The “Exists” list:
1-little ones
NOTE: I believe that God uses the example of children because of their natural disposition to faithing.
Salvation and eternal life are real. God is the one and only source of righteousness and delegates its dispensation and the dispensation of eternal life to Jesus. Our faithing brings the Spirit into our bodies and overcomes death. Some will be lost through denial and willful ignorance. God’s power, through Jesus’ actions is able to save us. God loves and assigns children angels.
If this study was any value to you, drop me a line. stag@asis.com
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